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Opinions, notes, and views on issues as I see them. This blog, in no way, is aimed at offending anyone in particular, and any similarities to any readers' life experiences are totally coincidental.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Yet Another Shooting!

Here we go again, another shooting of senseless proportion in this country. While listening to Huckabee on the radio on my way home, I heard the host state that he refused to name the perpetrator on the air. Good for him! I've stated all along that these low lives should be deprived of their moment in the spotlight.

I've heard all about the need to study these individuals and find out what they're all about in order to prevent such recurrences. All fine and dandy, we can dissect all of it for what it's worth, but in the end, never mention the killer by name. Keep it off the air and out of the press, and maybe discourage future repetitions in the process.

My Other Blogs

  • Pictured in 1891, this shore view of the Tillamook Rock Lighthouse is said to be one of the oldest pictures taken in the state of Oregon. Built in 1880, ...
    3 years ago
  • Can never take too many of these shots.
    5 years ago
  • This is my first blog on Google, and I hope to be able to put this site all together in the near future. Once I figure out this new world of *'mouthing o...
    16 years ago


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