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Friday, March 27, 2009

Reasons To Steam

Fox News reported today that some of our wonderful lawmakers are in favor of releasing some of the Gitmo detainees right here on American soil, and to, of all things, supply them with welfare money to get back on their feet. While, I do notposess any kind of drgree in Political Science, but shouldn't the critical question here be 'Do we really want thes individuals sauntering through our streets and blending into our society. In view of the fact that a large number of previous detainees were shown to have returned to the battlefield after having been released from Gitmo. These people are incapable of reforming, and as long as they continue to breath, we will be their number one target.
A Chinese corporation has signed a huge lease as a major tenant of the new Freedom Tower, which is scheduled to be erected on the World Trade Center site at Ground Zero in Manhattan. The future structure's name symbolizes the rise of freedom from the ashes of the September 11, 2001 disaster. Well that's the plan, anyway. Now the name Freedom Tower is about to be removed in favor of World Trade Center 1. It seems that the Chinese are not too keen on the name; after all, with the lack of freedom in their country, why should they be? True, so far they are the largest company to lease space in the yet to be built structure, but I say that the name of the property should not concern them. Just as they are free to sign on the dotted line, we owe it to all who lost their lives needlessly on that 2001 morning to leave the name alone.
And if all this isn't enough to just make your metabolism erupt, we now have to learn a new language. The Obama Administration has canned the term War On Terror to 'Overseas Contingency Operation', and Terror Attacks to 'Man Caused Disasters'. What the heck will this 'Duly Elected Government Leader' think of next?

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