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Opinions, notes, and views on issues as I see them. This blog, in no way, is aimed at offending anyone in particular, and any similarities to any readers' life experiences are totally coincidental.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Too Little Too Late

I read in this morning's news that the exact location of Michael Jackson's tomb will be kept secret 'forever'. Well, don't you know that really is a bit of news that I couldn't live without knowing. The reason given by an unidentified source is that it will keep away paparazzi and the like. Isn't this whole CIA tactic being implemented in a 'cart before the horse' manner? Why would so much effort go into protecting him from harm's way now when the time he really needed this was when he was still alive? No one seemed to pay much (if any) attention to his critical needs then. Now that the autopsy results have painted a rather clear picture of Michael Jackson's life behind the scenes, getting him the help he really needed is a rather mute point. I'm not stating that this would have been an easy thing to do, after all he was a 50 year old adult who should have known right from wrong. But with his celebrity status always getting in the way of conscientious decisions, he should have been protected from his number one enemy....himself! All the security and attention to protecting him at this stage in time is now and forever will be proving to be too little too late.

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