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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Danger Zone!

With the Super Bowl fast approaching, there is a distinct possibility that two teams from the same state could be competing. Both the Philadelphia Eagles and the Pittsburgh Steelers will be battling for their conference championships on Sunday, and if successful, would represent their conferences in the Super Bowl. The problem is not the teams, but rather their fans. While Philadelphia boasts the meanest fans in the NFL, Pittsburgh fans hold up their share of the title as well.
Philadelphia fans once booed Santa Claus while he was making an appearance at a game, while Pittsburgh fans chanted that they were number one only to display it with the wrong finger. Should this match up occur, it may be necessary to call out the National Guard to keep the fans in order. The players in the meantime, can battle it out on the field, which, given the circumstances, sounds a lot safer to me!

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