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Opinions, notes, and views on issues as I see them. This blog, in no way, is aimed at offending anyone in particular, and any similarities to any readers' life experiences are totally coincidental.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Stimulus Shmimulus!

A million here, 3 trillion there; what the hell are these people doing with our money. I say 'our money' like the damn stuff really exists physically. Does it? I mean I can't ever imagine what a trillion dollars looks like, can you? Someone on Fox last night said that if you stacked a trillion donuts on top of each other you could reach one of the planets that orbit our solar system......Really? I mean, has anyone ever tried it? That's pretty damn far. I'm sure some math major with no life has the answer.
Then we hear about how they want to use it; like re-sodding the national mall for a couple of million bucks (I have dibs on any leftovers, my yard could use it). How about for birth control? Why birth control, the more future taxpayers there are, the faster we can pay back this amount of dough. Here's my favorite.....the National Endowment of the Arts. I like art, pictures, and things of that sort, but I don't think BG&E would accept any of them as payment for a monthly bill. Maybe in the checkout line at Safeway;"will that be credit, debit, cash, or art?"
I think we all get the point, here. The banks screwed up big time over the years and now time has come to pay the pauper. People are losing their jobs, savings, retirement funds, their homes, unable to send their kids to college, forced to work till they're 70, and there is no immediate end in sight. Meanwhile, some giant financial institutions continue to rub it in our faces by providing their executives with large bonuses, that are paid them directly from the bailout money they got from the government. Do they really not get it, or are we just that naive.
The President, meanwhile, continues to press for yet another giant stimulus package to 'jump start the economy'. You want to jump start the economy, Mr President? You want to help solve the housing crisis, Mr President? How about telling all working Americans that we can live tax free for the coming year. I don't know the exact numbers, but I bet it would go a long way towards 'jump starting the economy'; probably more than that stimulus package you are pursuing.
That's right, NO TAXES!

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