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Opinions, notes, and views on issues as I see them. This blog, in no way, is aimed at offending anyone in particular, and any similarities to any readers' life experiences are totally coincidental.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Now It's Personal

After a hard day's work, the last thing I needed to do is come home and discover on the computer that Tony Kornheiser is at it again. Fresh off his suspension for trashing Hannah Storm's wardrobe on the air, he now has a whole new pile of crap to deal with.

In a weak attempt to be funny, yet again, he has put his foot in his mouth, and this time it may not blow over so easily. It seems that he made another controversial comment on the air; one that ripped bicyclists and their 'stupid hats and shiny shorts',  suggesting that motorists "run them down".

Lance Armstrong, the 7 time Tour de France Champion,  did not waste any time in chiding Mr. Kornheiser for his comments. Armstrong described them as 'disgusting, ignorant, and foolish'.  He ended with a firm  'What a complete f---ing idiot.' (notice I had the good taste of not typing the word fucking?)

As a cyclist myself and having been honked  and yelled at many times, I can relate to this piece of stupidity that seems to have become Mr Kornheiser's new identity. Well, I don't now or ever have thought it was funny. The fact that there are idiots out there who would probably love to run down cyclists if they had the chance is dangerous enough. We don't need anyone with such a high profile encouraging them.

I used to like Tony Kornheiser, but this whole incident which I consider a personal threat to my safety on the road, has changed my views of him. There is funny and there is stupid. Didn't God give us all a mind to make wise decisions?  Apparently, some high profile individuals have yet to learn how to use them.

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