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Opinions, notes, and views on issues as I see them. This blog, in no way, is aimed at offending anyone in particular, and any similarities to any readers' life experiences are totally coincidental.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

History Is Unchangeable

This morning, my cousin forwarded me an e-mail that I found a little disturbing. It stated that her friends had visited the WWII Memorial in DC and in the process of reading the granite facades, an elderly person had pointed out to the crowd a major inaccuracy. The next to last paragraph of the speech President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave to the nation on December 8, 1941 reads as follows:
With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounding determination of our people - we will gain the inevitable triumph - so help us God.
On the memorial facade, the words -'so help us God' -were left out of the quote.
Regardless of how our current generation would want to treat those words, they are factual and accurate and represent history, which is forever unchangeable. In their e-mail, my cousin's friends pointed out that the majority of visitors they had encountered at the memorial were of the WWII era. Can't we at least get it in our heads that these people are probably the reason we can make this an issue today. They toiled and sacrificed so that we can continue to posses our greatest asset.....freedom.

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