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Opinions, notes, and views on issues as I see them. This blog, in no way, is aimed at offending anyone in particular, and any similarities to any readers' life experiences are totally coincidental.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Not So Convinced

The headline reads 'Senate Reaches Tentative Stimulus Package'; I guess I'm supposed to be somewhat excited about it, but I'm not. The reasoning as to why I'm not is not very clear to me other than the fact that I, as a taxpayer, am about to go in the tank for more money than I have ever had the opportunity to fathom in my life. Another not so secure feeling comes when I pause to think of where these funds will potentially wind up. How many more bogus bonuses or useless projects am I expected to cover?
Considering the fact that had some of these people correctly done their jobs in the first place, our economy wouldn't be in such shambles. And what about these dishonest people? Will they ever be accountable, or will they just slip away into oblivion to continue their lavish lifestyles at my expense? I can remember back in my management days when at the end of the year bonuses were handed out based on your performance and contribution to the bottom line. Now the bottom line is continually adjusted and moved around in order to fit the needs of greedy people. To heck with the investors; every man for himself!
Stimulus package? I'm not really certain that this will put us on the correct course to recovery. Hopefully it has been carefully thought through, Mr President, because I, like many Americans, have very little wiggle room in this economic style of Russian roulette.

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