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Opinions, notes, and views on issues as I see them. This blog, in no way, is aimed at offending anyone in particular, and any similarities to any readers' life experiences are totally coincidental.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Learning Presidency 101 The Hard Way

Tom Daschle withdrew his name today for Secretary of Health and Human Services due to a tax issue. Daschle became the latest in a growing line of Obama Administration cabinet nominees who were found to be tied to potentially damaging character issues. How are these people supposed to run our government if they can't even keep their own affairs in order? If I owed better than one hundred thousand dollars in back taxes, you can rest assured this post would be coming to you from the county jail. Now I know that President Obama's intent is to put transparency into his administration, and I admire his acting quickly on these matters, but perhaps a little more scrutiny in the choice process will result in a lot less embarrassment in the confirmation process.

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